Monday, October 15, 2012

Obama might lose the Election


Obama vs. Romney

part 1



Why Obama might lose

So there's an election coming up. A very serious election that will take the US in two completely different directions. So everyday until the election I'm going to post what I see in the cards regarding this, the most important election of our lifetime.

Obama is the 9 of diamonds - The Giver. I wrote about the characteristic of this birth card in an earlier post. Just to recap, the 9 of Diamonds are here to give to others usually those less fortunate and they are very intelligent espeically when it comes to legal matters

Romney is the Jack of diamonds - The Salesman. These people are very creative especially when it comes to finances, but are also very good salesmen and can say or do anything to achieve their goals.

Now I've been looking at Obama's spread since he became president and at Mitt Romney's since the GOP debates. Now that he's the nominee I've had time to focus on what his cards mean based on what's been happening... here's what I see.

Obama's long range card - or headline for the year - is the Queen of Spades which means self mastery. It's the second most powerful card in the deck. But only if Obama masters himself will he find success this year. Nothing on the outside can help him. He has to go within in order to reap results without. It's also the card of organization, but on the flip side, those with this card can be bored, and just go through the motions with a great dose of meh! (the debate anyone)

Romney's long range card is the Ten of Hearts - this is the card of Success with large groups of people... :|  Do I even need to continue here. Romney is very popular!!! A lot of people really really like him. And he can take this popularity all the way to the white house. Ten of hearts is the best card to have if you want success with people. There's no real bad side to having this card other than too much popularity (really)

Obama could lose. Tomorrow is the second  debate.. stay tuned

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Jack of Spades

The Actor, The Thief, The Spiritual Initiate

Hola blog readers. I realize I've been MIA for some weeks now, and it because I've been going through some life changes, most of which has to do with the card for today. The Jack of Spades.

For those of you who also follow me on twitter you may have also noticed that this card is my profile pic. The Jack of Spades is the actor, or the card of spiritual initiation, and it also happen to be my Long Range card for the year.

What is the Long Range card?  

It can be best explained as being the headline on the front page of a newspaper... like 'Romney Wins' or 'Teacher Strike Is Over'. Your Long Range card is the headline for your year. It will tell you what energies you'll be dealing with mostly this year which you can use to your advantage if you are aware of it's benefits.

So this year I have the Jack of Spades. It bestows a creative energy that will help you make considerable progress in any of the creative or artistic fields, It is also the card of the spritual initiate. This means it's presence in your reading can indicate a time where you move to a higher state of being. since it's a spade it will relate more to work health and lifestyle and can be a time of moving from one way of life to a better more postive and enriching lifestyle.
I'm in the process of going through something like that.

Don't Get Ripped Off...

On the flip side however this is also the card of the thief and you are likely to run into people who may try to rip you off or are very dishonest. Or you may take on these qualities yourself. Believe it or not,  I've already been ripped off once so far this year... yeah I know. I'm supposed to know this system, but I didn't see it coming...

Next week I'll begin explaining what a yearly spread looks like. Until then you can follow on twitter @itsallinthecard or like us on Facebook at 'It's All In The Card'

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Hand You're Dealt

One of the reasons I started this blog is to talk about my own experiences with the cards and to show how you can use the cards make decisions as you make your way to your goals. The system is really accurate, to this day is still surprises me.

I've also mentioned a lot about readings. Every year we are given a spread of cards. It's like the hand we're dealt for the game of life were going to play this year, and they can tell us what we can expect our experiences will be.

Remember the year begins on your birthday.


The Four of Hearts

This was one of the cards dealt to me this past year. When a Four of Hearts shows up it means there will be stabilty in the home and with family. It is the home of the heart. So when I did my own reading and I saw the four of hearts coming up I knew I would be spending time with family, and at the time when I looked ahead I saw how it was possible. It just so happened that my brother and my mom had planned to visit within that  period, (co-incidence... I don't think so), but I was like okay... cool..this should be fun.

What surprised me was that for every single day I had the four of hearts. I had either my brother or my mom hanging out with me from the until the very last day of the 52 two day period.

Preparing for what was coming...

You see I knew they were going to visit, so I made sure the house was clean, there was always food and snacks in the fridge, bottled water, they were comfortable in their rooms etc. It was like a freaking bed and breakfast.... and that is what the Four of  Hearts is about. Family, home, stability. And that is what I focused on.

It seemed like even if I knew nothing about the Destiny Card System, I would have tried to make sure my family was comfortable while they stayed with me. But the fact that I knew I was able to plan accordingly for whatever might happen.

I say all that to say - they had a great visit this summer. :D

Next week I'll show you what a sample reading looks like.

Like us on facebook .... It's all in the Card, follow on twitter @itsallinthecard

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Aces

In the beginning there is desire

Whenever we start a new job, relationship or launch a new project, there is likely to be an Ace present somwhere in our spread. Being the first card of any suit, the Ace's represent the beginning of something new.

 I recallr having an Ace of spades when I was officially hired for the job I'm doing now, and being the card of transformation, I transformed from temping to a permanent position that in restropect did change the direction my life was heading.

People who are born Ace's are full of ambition and sucess driven. They want to see something manifested of their own will, making them very passionate and very creative people. But you don't have to be an Ace birth card to have this creative power. The Ace represents the self, the individual and the search for a new beginning in ones life Seeing an Ace in your yearly spread my be a good time to launch a new idea, or project, and if launched at the right time success is guarenteed. Let's look at how...shall we

The Ace of Hearts

The Ace of  Hearts appearing in our spread means that we are on a search for self love. It can also mean the desire for affection, the beginning of a new relationship, the birth of a new baby, but it's more about our search and discovery of the things that we love, and a quest to discover what gives us joy and pleasure. It's the seeking of self through all forms of love and sex.

The Ace of Clubs 

There's no better time to come up with new ideas and strategies than when we have the Ace of Clubs in our spreads. This Ace represents our unquenchable thirst for knowledge or a new way of communincating. So it may appaer when we want to learn about a subject matter, or a new skill. We may start attending classes or reading new books. But it also help us in understanding who we are through knowledge.

The Ace of Diamonds

This will be a great time to launch a business, like filing for an LLC or incorporating your company, because the Ace of Diamonds means the desire for new ways of making money. So if a business is launched during this period you can expect to be sucessful. People have reported also starting new jobs while having this card in their spread and even getting a raise, or getting money for a specific purpose.

The Ace of Spades

The card of death, re-birth, transformation and secrets. The Ace of spades is also the symbol for the whole Destiny Card System. It represents the secrets that lie within. With this card in our reading we can expect a complete transformation to occur in our lives, good and bad. Anything that is no longer good for us will be washed away making room for something new to come in. Since spades representswork, health and the things we do day to day, every aspect of our lives is up for transformation.

Like us on facebook why dontcha

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Talking about people...

Besides just talking about the Destiny Card System (and educating the masses), I also started this blog to talk about my own personal experiences with the cards. It was through these experiences I understood exactly how the system works.

There's no greater teacher than life itself, but you can only learn from those teachings by being aware.

More on that later, anyway today, August 18th 2012, is an 8 of clubs day. Anyone born today will be an eight of clubs.  There are ten eight of clubs birthday during the year. March 28th, June 22nd, July 20th, and October 12th are also 8 of clubs birthday.

You won't change this persons mind

The 8 of clubs is one of the fixed cards in the deck (we'll get to what that means later) but right now all you need to know is once this person has made up their mind, a heard of wild horses couldn't get them to change. They have very fixed, very powerful minds. They are highly principled, very responsible, very dependable and very focused.

Lucky for me one of my best friends is an 8 of clubs. I say lucky because whenever we hang out I know that I can depend on her. I trust her with my life and she always, always does what she says she's going to do. And when we get into 'healthy debates' (and I know she's wrong), she sticks to her guns.This is why sometimes they may come across as stubborn to others. If you are in a relationship with these people don't expect to change them.  8 of clubs people only change if their own experiences indicate that they should.


8 of clubs in a reading

If you have an 8 of clubs coming up in a reading you can bet things are going to go well. You see the eights are one of the best cards to have in a reading because they all represent power. Thus with the 8 of clubs in your spread you can expect to have a lot of mind power. You will be very focused on achieving whatever you set out to accomplish. You may also have a lot of influence of that time. Because of this power you'll be able to get want you want from people. Of course the flip side of this is one can also come across as being quite stubborn, which may work against you....

I gotta go. Next week we'll talk about the Ace's

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our loves, our thoughts, our values, our lives

The Suits

At some point in our lives we've all played with the deck of cards. Be it poker, spades, gin rummy, go fish, black jack, and I could go on. We've all handled a deck of cards at one point or another. 

But who knew that these 52 thin rectangular pieces of card stock, with their printed symbols and numbers of black and red had so much to tell us? Who knew? Who?... Anyone? Anyone? Not me... but I know now, so...yeah...I feel special.

As I mentioned in my last post each card has it's own meaning. Besides just reflecting the characteristics of a particular birthday, the suit and the number of each card means something. Today I'll shed some light on the meanings behind the suits.

The Hearts

The heart cards represent love, emotions, family, friends,  marriage, relationships and sex. So when I see any heart card, the issues mentioned above are what will be the focus during a reading. Relationships are very important to those born under the heart suit. They tend to make decisions based on how they feel about a situation. Hearts also represent the spring time of our lives, when family plays a major part of our early years and our development.

The Clubs

Clubs represent knowledge, thinking, communication, learning, ideas, intuition, writing and anything that is mind related. Club people are very mental and are some of the smartest people you'll ever meet. So if a club card turns up in a reading it will relate to anything that's happening with the mind. People born under the club suit tend to make decisions on what they know, and the information presented. Clubs are the summer of our lives when education and learning to interact with the world around us become our focus.

The Diamonds

The diamond cards are about money, finances, and things of value - i.e. things we like. Diamond people place value on everything, be it relationships, work, or material things. They tend to judge how something fits into their life based on what value it brings. But it also means money and, depending on which diamond card turns up in a reading, a person can experience a windfall of cash coming in, or a loss and  money going out. Diamonds represent our adulthood time. We aquire careers, homes, cars, 401k's, and children of our own.

The Spades

Spades are about work and health and the things we do day to day. It represents wisdom and spade people are believed to be old souls.  For spade people their work and what they do is paramount to their identity. They tend to be very serious people. Spades also represents health and well being and can also represent death and transformation depending where it shows up in a reading. Spades are also indicative of the winter of our lives. Health issues become more prevalent, we retire, and we have years of wisdom behind us.

Our Facebook fan page - Itsallinthecard!

I'd also like to invite you  to 'Like' our Facebook fan page - Its all in the card, and 'friend' the profile page - Itsall Inthecard -  where you can ask questions, have discussions and... I will give short readings for free.... (yes free!!!) Just to get you more familiar with whats going on. See ya next week

Saturday, August 4, 2012

 It's about the day you are born

Remember in my last post I mentioned every day of the year is represented by a card, and depending on your birthday the card that day will be your birth card? Remember? Well today - August 4th is a 9 of diamonds day.

There are nine, 9 of diamond  birthdays in the year. So if you were born on February 16th, or May 10th, or June 8th, or September 2nd - you are a 9 of diamonds. (So what does this mean?)

Barack Obama

Today is the President's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mr. President. That being said, the 9 of diamonds is The Card of Universal Values and The Card of the Giver. People who are 9 of diamonds are here to let go and to give things of value, and that entails a lot of giving to others. It may be in the form of giving money, advice... healthcare.  By giving and letting go, 9 of diamonds will  find satifaction and happiness.

They are very intelligent, are good debators and very savy sales people. They can sell ice to eskimos, saunas in the Sahara, rain in the rain forest... you get the idea. So if you're a 9 of diamonds person think about getting into sales or selling as a career. You'll be very good at it.

The two aspects of The Destiny Cards

I may have mentioned that there are two aspects to the Destiny Cards, (if I haven't- then I just did). The first is the personality aspect which I just went through briefly with the 9 of diamonds, but there's also the reading aspect. The cards also have different meanings based on the number and the suit.

For instance when the 9 of diamonds shows up in a reading, it can mean that a person is going through a cycle of letting go and endings of things that they value. They may find on the mundane level that expenses have suddenly increased, and a lot of money going out, or they may lose their job, or have to let go of  something of value.

In my next post I'll start explaining the suits and the properties of the numbers - i.e. what each number means. So stay tuned. Follow on twitter  @itsallinthecard to see when it's up....Laterz

Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Birth Card

Who am I? Who are you?

The key, the heart, the "Higgs Boson" of this system is your birthday. The day of your birth is the light switch that turns everything on.

Every day of the year is represented by one of the 52 cards in the deck. So in order to find out what your card is, all you have to know is your birthday and the corresponding card that represents that day.

That card is called ... wait for it ... your Birth Card.

The power of your Birth Card

So you know how we are really good at some things, so-so at others, and suck horribly at everything else, well your birth card has a  lot to do with that. Each birthday has it's strenghts and things that come easily, but it also tells us what we may have to work at, and things that may not come as easy.

Now this is not saying if you want to become the first astronaut to walk on Mars you won't do it because your birth card suffers from motion sickness. What your card will tell you are those innate strenghts, skills and talents that belong to you (and only you) that you can harness to help you achieve your goals.

We each have our own path that we need to walk to get to where we want to be, and this system basically lays out that path like a road map we can follow.

Who am I?

I am not a psychic. I don't rub your forehead with vaseline and pull stuff out of the air. Nor do I read cards a-la Tarot. ( I don't really understand what those cards mean). I don't even a use a deck of playing cards. When I do readings I use a book called The Cards of Your Destiny.

My card is the 2 of diamonds as repped by this weeks avatar above. The 2 of diamonds is known as The Wheeler Dealer Card, and 2 of diamonds people find their success in forming partnerships that are financially beneficial for both parties. They love making deals.

However when you have a 2 of diamonds in your reading, it is an opportunity to partner up with someone, maybe to go into business and make money. There's more, which I'll go into later.

There are twelve 2 of diamond birthdays in the year, one each month. If  you are born on, January 25th, March 21st ,June 15th, October 7th, or December 3rd, then your birth card is the 2 of Diamonds.

Who are you?

I don't know... What's your birthday?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Welcome to @itsallinthecard

Welcome to @itsallinthecard blog spot

About seven years ago, a really great friend of mine introduced me to the Destiny Cards. At first I was very skeptical. This was me:
"oh boy here we go, another astrology, numerology system that's going to be generally vague...yawn".

Long story short, fast forward today 2012, I can say with conviction that the system is the most accurate system there if you want to know what's next in your life, or just a better understanding of what's happening right now

Our lives are mapped out in the everyday deck of playing cards!!!!!

I know! I was shocked too. The more I got into the system the more I began to see how the cards function. Over the years I've become somewhat of an expert in card interpretation, so much so that I've done readings for others who return time and time again to say how accurate and spot on the cards are. Over the years I've come to realize two things:

1) The cards never lie.
2) Whether you believe in the cards or not, if they say something is going to happen... it's going to happen.

What makes the system so accurate is its emphasis on specific areas of your life, and not broad generalities.

The purpose of this blog.

This system is transformative, and it has helped me plan ahead and understand what steps I need to take to get to where I'm going. I can't keep it to myself anymore. I want to share this system with everyone.

Unless you've never seen or played with a deck of cards, it's otherwise very easy to understand. Each card has certain meanings, and when they appear in your spread during a reading, they will affect you according to what the card means and more importantly according to what's going on in your life at the moment.

But the cards also represent you, the individual. Based on they day of your birth, the cards reveal who you are, your personality and your relationships. They can also tell us who you are compatible with, who owes you and who you owe in this life time, and why all your relationships are the way they are, and what you can do to improve them.

Soooo if you follow me on twitter @itsallinthecard (pretty please), and this shiny new blog, I'll try my best to explain this vast, but very accurate system and how you could apply it in your daily life.

I'm not sure how all this information will unfold, but we'll go with the flow. So stay tuned to my next blog post. Im so excited....and I just can't hide it.