Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Birth Card

Who am I? Who are you?

The key, the heart, the "Higgs Boson" of this system is your birthday. The day of your birth is the light switch that turns everything on.

Every day of the year is represented by one of the 52 cards in the deck. So in order to find out what your card is, all you have to know is your birthday and the corresponding card that represents that day.

That card is called ... wait for it ... your Birth Card.

The power of your Birth Card

So you know how we are really good at some things, so-so at others, and suck horribly at everything else, well your birth card has a  lot to do with that. Each birthday has it's strenghts and things that come easily, but it also tells us what we may have to work at, and things that may not come as easy.

Now this is not saying if you want to become the first astronaut to walk on Mars you won't do it because your birth card suffers from motion sickness. What your card will tell you are those innate strenghts, skills and talents that belong to you (and only you) that you can harness to help you achieve your goals.

We each have our own path that we need to walk to get to where we want to be, and this system basically lays out that path like a road map we can follow.

Who am I?

I am not a psychic. I don't rub your forehead with vaseline and pull stuff out of the air. Nor do I read cards a-la Tarot. ( I don't really understand what those cards mean). I don't even a use a deck of playing cards. When I do readings I use a book called The Cards of Your Destiny.

My card is the 2 of diamonds as repped by this weeks avatar above. The 2 of diamonds is known as The Wheeler Dealer Card, and 2 of diamonds people find their success in forming partnerships that are financially beneficial for both parties. They love making deals.

However when you have a 2 of diamonds in your reading, it is an opportunity to partner up with someone, maybe to go into business and make money. There's more, which I'll go into later.

There are twelve 2 of diamond birthdays in the year, one each month. If  you are born on, January 25th, March 21st ,June 15th, October 7th, or December 3rd, then your birth card is the 2 of Diamonds.

Who are you?

I don't know... What's your birthday?

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