Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Hand You're Dealt

One of the reasons I started this blog is to talk about my own experiences with the cards and to show how you can use the cards make decisions as you make your way to your goals. The system is really accurate, to this day is still surprises me.

I've also mentioned a lot about readings. Every year we are given a spread of cards. It's like the hand we're dealt for the game of life were going to play this year, and they can tell us what we can expect our experiences will be.

Remember the year begins on your birthday.


The Four of Hearts

This was one of the cards dealt to me this past year. When a Four of Hearts shows up it means there will be stabilty in the home and with family. It is the home of the heart. So when I did my own reading and I saw the four of hearts coming up I knew I would be spending time with family, and at the time when I looked ahead I saw how it was possible. It just so happened that my brother and my mom had planned to visit within that  period, (co-incidence... I don't think so), but I was like okay... cool..this should be fun.

What surprised me was that for every single day I had the four of hearts. I had either my brother or my mom hanging out with me from the until the very last day of the 52 two day period.

Preparing for what was coming...

You see I knew they were going to visit, so I made sure the house was clean, there was always food and snacks in the fridge, bottled water, they were comfortable in their rooms etc. It was like a freaking bed and breakfast.... and that is what the Four of  Hearts is about. Family, home, stability. And that is what I focused on.

It seemed like even if I knew nothing about the Destiny Card System, I would have tried to make sure my family was comfortable while they stayed with me. But the fact that I knew I was able to plan accordingly for whatever might happen.

I say all that to say - they had a great visit this summer. :D

Next week I'll show you what a sample reading looks like.

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