Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our loves, our thoughts, our values, our lives

The Suits

At some point in our lives we've all played with the deck of cards. Be it poker, spades, gin rummy, go fish, black jack, and I could go on. We've all handled a deck of cards at one point or another. 

But who knew that these 52 thin rectangular pieces of card stock, with their printed symbols and numbers of black and red had so much to tell us? Who knew? Who?... Anyone? Anyone? Not me... but I know now, so...yeah...I feel special.

As I mentioned in my last post each card has it's own meaning. Besides just reflecting the characteristics of a particular birthday, the suit and the number of each card means something. Today I'll shed some light on the meanings behind the suits.

The Hearts

The heart cards represent love, emotions, family, friends,  marriage, relationships and sex. So when I see any heart card, the issues mentioned above are what will be the focus during a reading. Relationships are very important to those born under the heart suit. They tend to make decisions based on how they feel about a situation. Hearts also represent the spring time of our lives, when family plays a major part of our early years and our development.

The Clubs

Clubs represent knowledge, thinking, communication, learning, ideas, intuition, writing and anything that is mind related. Club people are very mental and are some of the smartest people you'll ever meet. So if a club card turns up in a reading it will relate to anything that's happening with the mind. People born under the club suit tend to make decisions on what they know, and the information presented. Clubs are the summer of our lives when education and learning to interact with the world around us become our focus.

The Diamonds

The diamond cards are about money, finances, and things of value - i.e. things we like. Diamond people place value on everything, be it relationships, work, or material things. They tend to judge how something fits into their life based on what value it brings. But it also means money and, depending on which diamond card turns up in a reading, a person can experience a windfall of cash coming in, or a loss and  money going out. Diamonds represent our adulthood time. We aquire careers, homes, cars, 401k's, and children of our own.

The Spades

Spades are about work and health and the things we do day to day. It represents wisdom and spade people are believed to be old souls.  For spade people their work and what they do is paramount to their identity. They tend to be very serious people. Spades also represents health and well being and can also represent death and transformation depending where it shows up in a reading. Spades are also indicative of the winter of our lives. Health issues become more prevalent, we retire, and we have years of wisdom behind us.

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I'd also like to invite you  to 'Like' our Facebook fan page - Its all in the card, and 'friend' the profile page - Itsall Inthecard -  where you can ask questions, have discussions and... I will give short readings for free.... (yes free!!!) Just to get you more familiar with whats going on. See ya next week

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