Saturday, August 18, 2012

Talking about people...

Besides just talking about the Destiny Card System (and educating the masses), I also started this blog to talk about my own personal experiences with the cards. It was through these experiences I understood exactly how the system works.

There's no greater teacher than life itself, but you can only learn from those teachings by being aware.

More on that later, anyway today, August 18th 2012, is an 8 of clubs day. Anyone born today will be an eight of clubs.  There are ten eight of clubs birthday during the year. March 28th, June 22nd, July 20th, and October 12th are also 8 of clubs birthday.

You won't change this persons mind

The 8 of clubs is one of the fixed cards in the deck (we'll get to what that means later) but right now all you need to know is once this person has made up their mind, a heard of wild horses couldn't get them to change. They have very fixed, very powerful minds. They are highly principled, very responsible, very dependable and very focused.

Lucky for me one of my best friends is an 8 of clubs. I say lucky because whenever we hang out I know that I can depend on her. I trust her with my life and she always, always does what she says she's going to do. And when we get into 'healthy debates' (and I know she's wrong), she sticks to her guns.This is why sometimes they may come across as stubborn to others. If you are in a relationship with these people don't expect to change them.  8 of clubs people only change if their own experiences indicate that they should.


8 of clubs in a reading

If you have an 8 of clubs coming up in a reading you can bet things are going to go well. You see the eights are one of the best cards to have in a reading because they all represent power. Thus with the 8 of clubs in your spread you can expect to have a lot of mind power. You will be very focused on achieving whatever you set out to accomplish. You may also have a lot of influence of that time. Because of this power you'll be able to get want you want from people. Of course the flip side of this is one can also come across as being quite stubborn, which may work against you....

I gotta go. Next week we'll talk about the Ace's

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