Friday, September 27, 2013

I'm worrying about money.

The Three of Diamonds.

This card man... I tell ya. Hi bloggers and twitterers. Sorry I haven't posted as often as either of us would have hoped. But today I just had to talk about this card, which I'm experiencing right now...and I tell ya!!

 Diamonds represent money, finances and the thing we value and like. The Threes represent creativity and expression, but it can also evoke worry, anxiety and indecision. And I can tell you I'm very anxious and indecisive about my financial situation at the moment. In my experience it seem like the cards know exactly when you will experience certain things.

I knew this was coming.
I saw the 3 of diamonds coming weeks ago and I made sure to plan for it. Got my ducks in order as they say.  Now I'm not facing certain doom, but the emotion and energy surrounding me right now is anxiety filled. I can't seem to decide where I should spend and where I should hold off. The funny thing is in a weeks time .. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE!!! This will no longer be an issue because I will have a different card.

But that's the 3 of diamonds for you. Once you have this card present you will worry about finances regardless of your financial situation. So if  any of you happened to be overly anxious about money right now, you might be dealing with a three.

On the flip side and  3 = creativity,  and it's a great opportunity to be financially creative and come up with creative ways to draw more money into your life. Only if you go to the side of fear will you let this card drive you bonkers. But if you go to the side of love..well magic can happen.

You can follow me on twitter @itsallinthecard. And if you would like a FREE ONE TIME READING send me an email at, and we can set something up. Until next time.

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