Obama vs. Romney
part 1
Why Obama might lose
So there's an election coming up. A very serious election that will take the US in two completely different directions. So everyday until the election I'm going to post what I see in the cards regarding this, the most important election of our lifetime.
Obama is the 9 of diamonds - The Giver. I wrote about the characteristic of this birth card in an earlier post. Just to recap, the 9 of Diamonds are here to give to others usually those less fortunate and they are very intelligent espeically when it comes to legal matters
Romney is the Jack of diamonds - The Salesman. These people are very creative especially when it comes to finances, but are also very good salesmen and can say or do anything to achieve their goals.
Now I've been looking at Obama's spread since he became president and at Mitt Romney's since the GOP debates. Now that he's the nominee I've had time to focus on what his cards mean based on what's been happening... here's what I see.
Obama's long range card - or headline for the year - is the Queen of Spades which means self mastery. It's the second most powerful card in the deck. But only if Obama masters himself will he find success this year. Nothing on the outside can help him. He has to go within in order to reap results without. It's also the card of organization, but on the flip side, those with this card can be bored, and just go through the motions with a great dose of meh! (the debate anyone)
Romney's long range card is the Ten of Hearts - this is the card of Success with large groups of people... :| Do I even need to continue here. Romney is very popular!!! A lot of people really really like him. And he can take this popularity all the way to the white house. Ten of hearts is the best card to have if you want success with people. There's no real bad side to having this card other than too much popularity (really)
Obama could lose. Tomorrow is the second debate.. stay tuned
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